Welcome to Oakwood Acres POA
Keeping our neighborhood
beautiful and relevant.
Welcome to Oakwood Acres POA
Keeping our neighborhood
beautiful and relevant.
Keeping our neighborhood
beautiful and relevant.
Keeping our neighborhood
beautiful and relevant.
Oakwood Acres is located five miles southwest of Brooksville, Florida. It is north of Powell Road and is accessed either via Gloucester Road from the south or Drew Street if arriving from the north. Our beautiful community consists of approximately 130 properties, all a minimum of one acre with upscale homes. We are a Deed Restricted community and each property and or parcel is maintained by the individual owner. The business affairs of the Oakwood Acres Property Owners Association, Inc. are handled by the community-elected board of directors.
Are you passionate about your neighborhood? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We are currently looking for neighbors to join
(1) the Beautification Task Force and
(2) the Bylaws and Deed Restrictions Review Committee,
(3) the Architectural Review Committee
(4) Secretary Position on the Board will be Vacant in the next few weeks we are seeking a replacement.
Reach Out using the Messenging App
Our annual neighborhood yard sale will be held on the November 2-3 8am-3pm
Where? YOUR house.
Selling? ANYTHING legal.
The Yard Sale Committee will place print ads and place signs on the surrounding main roads to direct traffic your way. You may want to place a sign on the roadside in front of your house. Or just look busy.
Oakwood Acres POA BOD Meeting
4:30 PM Sign in, introduction of members
4:35 Approval of previous minutes and Agenda
4:40 PM President’s Report
4:45 PM Financial Report
4:40 New Business
5:00 - UTC Old Business
6:30 PM Adjournment
Oakwood Acres Board of Directors